Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mold seems to follow me

I was starving to death so I bought some donuts out of the vending machine. I happily popped one into my mouth and instantely thought, "Why does this taste like a nail salon?" ironically I looked at the package at the same time this thought came into my head and read, "New package, same great taste!" and was like, "LIES!"
I was really hungry so I was like, "oh well" and popped in another one. It still tasted awful.
Then I opened the package fully and almost passed out. White mold covered the rest of my donuts. I shreiked. Even thinking about it right now makes me want to vomit.

I got my money back on the rancid donuts but if I get sick or die I'm going to be really upset. I dont think I can ever eat crumb donuts again...dang I really liked those.

Update: I'm 65.2% sure that I'm developing a fever...and when I burp it tastes like a nail salon again....oh poop I think I'm not going to make it!


  1. oh great who else had a package of crumb donuts for breakfast....grrrh thanks a lot kidl.

  2. blame the donuts not me!
    plus i'm pretty sure i have a sore throat brought on by eating rancid donuts!

  3. ugh! I am so sorry for you! I had something similar happen to me once. I was eating my favorite ceasar salad from the grocery store. They were pre-packaged and cheap and I always ate them and loved them, WELL one day I was eating away while working on something and wasn't paying attention. Well I just happened to glance down to see what I was about to put in my mounth and I had forked a moth! Yup a moth, so I no longer can eat these nice little pre-packaged salads.... ewww!

  4. oh that sounds just awful...thank god i dont eat salad! Crisis adverted!
