Well now they're advertising in Spanish on my country stations, I'm not pleased. I don't know what they're saying but I'm pretty sure its, "Let's take over the USA! Make it the new Mexico!!" Was that racist? I don't care, they shouldn't be allowed to advertise in a foreign language on the radio!
I think I'll find the Spanish station and advertise in English, see how they like it!
Anyway, enough of my racist ranting (that wasn't bad though, you should hear John), the basement is coming along slowly.
Last Friday John and his brother finished putting up the sheet rock while I was at work and when I got home I helped John put in the light fixture for over the bar (by help I mean I held the flashlight and screws, then looked for the screws when John dropped then, and ran up and down the stairs to flip the breaker). After frying two $25 dollar switches I made John Google a diagram since obviously he did something wrong. Once he learned that he wired it a smidgen wrong I made him test the light with a cheapo light switch because I didn't want to shell out another $50 for switches. Well it works but the light isn't fully up, that's why they're no pictures.
We used 1/4" sheet rock since its lighter than 1/2" and gave us a 1/4" of space (with 7' ceilings you need all the space you can get) but because of this John cant make the anchor screws for the lighting wire (remember we're using these lights) stay in so he hasn't put it up. I haven't whined about him trying to find a way to make it work though since Saturday he was at Speed Week with my parents, Sunday he helped me deep clean the house and Monday he mowed our jungle of grass and fixed the swamp cooler (again, the stupid pump went out so it wasn't cooling the house down).
Friday night we went to see Rob Schneider at Wiseguys in West Valley. I'm a retard and forgot to bring my camera, but the show was awesome! I've been to concerts but this was different because I was thhhiiissss close to a celebrity!!! We were only a few rows from the stage so I could actually see him and he wasn't a blurry blob. He was so funny and down to earth. He quoted a few lines from his movies and I laughed so hard when he started, "It's me, Jessica!!! Do you remember in second grade when you moved here from Arkansas? Everybody threw rocks at you because you talked funny and your front two teeth were brown!" Oh Jessi, that movie is the greatest!
After the show Rob stood outside and you could meet him, I met a celebrity!!! again no camera :( but it was still awesome! John really wants to go the Waynes brothers in September so hopefully we'll have the extra cash to go and I'll bring my camera!
Speaking of extra cash, I don't see the basement/bar getting finished anytime soon. Some unexpected costs came up, maybe if I'm brave enough I'll admit those unexpected costs later...no I'm not pregnant.
So we have to get these things taken care of, then save money for Enna's breeding (if our breeder gets her act together, but that's another story all together) which will probably take place in November, then it's our anniversary (for which I have a wicked, awesome present for John) and then it's Christmas. So as you can see a lot of money will need to be spent the last few months of the year meaning a saving of our pennies so other things wont get finished.
p.s. again John's estimation of carpet cost was WAY under what it's really going to be. I'm not sure when or how we're going to get carpet and I refuse to put it on credit!!! I should just know by now that if John says one price I should double it.
I am so jealous!! It sounds like rob was a lot of fun, I wish I could be there! That movie rocks:) well it sounds like your house is coming along, even though it is slowly it is better then not at all!