Wednesday, August 4, 2010


That's what my brain is in today, a fog. I'm still trying to nip this cold in the bud, but I went into work anyway. I'm surprised I didn't crash on the way in since I wasn't focusing on the road at all.
People talk to me and I cant even pretend to be interested, I wouldn't be surprised if my eye lids started to droop and I drool a little during their convos.
Looking sideways out my eyes makes me really sleepy so I have to turn my whole head to look at things, if I sit too long without moving I feel like I'm weird....and I haven't even taken any Dayquil today.

Getting ready this morning was a feat, after every action I'd have to sit down to take a breather. Put on underwear = lay on bed for 5 minutes, comb out wet hair = sit on toilet and try to keep head upright, put mascara on one eye = ponder if it's really necessary to have it on both, lets not even get into what it was like drying my hair. Everyone should just be glad that I don't look homeless and I match, for Pete's sake.

In hindsight I probably should have stayed home one more day, but I didn't want my co-workers thinking that a common cold had killed me. Snuggling with my puppies does sound like heaven right now though...shhh don't tell John that the dogs slept on our bed with me all day yesterday.

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