Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So I thought I hit jackpot when I found direct gardening, then I found color blend. This site is fantastic if you need to order larger quantities of spring bulbs.
I found the coolest thing which will equal large quantities of crocuses. When we change out the rocks in the parking strip to grass I want to naturalize crocuses in the lawn so that in early spring it'll look like a whole other flower bed. Once the lawn is ready to mow all the crocuses will be dead and they won't be hurt with the mower.
Surprisingly John agreed to this (he doesn't like to branch out of the norm, he even has a hard time with trees in the front yard) so I've been looking for bulbs. The only downfall is that we can't sod until fall so I can plant the bulbs beforehand.

In other news, I'm not too proud to admit that I begged John to sheet rock the bathroom. Sorry no pictures, I tried and it just wasn't happening.
I asked his dad to come mud it so it would get done more on the time schedule I would like and because he's awesome he started that yesterday. The existing walls will need to be skim coated so that the awful texture will turn into smooth wonderfulness and then we can paint the bathroom light brown.
When I get back from California we'll pick out a new faucet and new light.
I think this is the first two month project! Now that I said that it'll be another year....

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