Friday, May 31, 2013

Flower Time Lapse

I hate how fleeting spring flowers are, in just a couple of months they'll bloom and go and you're left with just the stocks. Sunday afternoon I cut them all down, this is important with all bulb flowers so that the bulb will stop trying to keep the greenery alive and put its efforts into making a bigger, better bulb for next year.
It took a good hour since I have so many in my backyard now, but we also pulled some weeds while we were at it.

Here's a time lapse of the flowers' journey:

Very beginning of April, still some snow in the shade and still pretty chilly:

End of April:

Beginning of May:

End of May, all cleaned up. 

The ones still standing are my irises, lilies (my backyard flowers seem to be on a later blooming schedule, I think it's because they get more shade) and my summer gladiolas. I'm slowly adding more flowers, but I think it'll always be a work in progress. P.S. Winston killed the middle tree by ripping the bark off, hence the chicken wire on the others. I wonder if he has $150 to fork over for a new one!

Some of my favorites:
 These purple tulips were so tall and had a unique bloom to them, delightful!

 These are a breed of parrot tulip, they were the very last to bloom and I'll definitely be buying more of them.

 Queen of the Night tulips are also towards the end of the blooming season and so purple they're almost black. I have some if my front yard and love their dark hue.

I talked about my favorite daffodils in this post.  
Now it's waiting time for my summer flowers in the front yard. I'm always battling the cats that use my garden as a litter box, but I did win the snail battle so my dahlias made it. No more flower posts until the next thing blooms! 

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