Sunday, May 19, 2013

Time to try again

After adding the live rock to the saltwater tank we had to wait for our tank to cycle again and with some bigger water changes we were able to get our nitrates down. So we decided to add a clean up crew because our tank has gotten pretty nasty algae wise.

We added 5 turbo snails to the display tank and 1 to the sump to clean up the algae.
 They're big guys at 2 inches and crazy algae eaters. The flat rock we first set them on is now completely clean.

We also got 4 bumble bee snails, they're one my favorite because their shells are so cool. They're really tiny though and like to hide so we haven't seen much of them. They eat uneaten food, sandworms and decomposing organisms.
We bought 2 nassarius snails for the display and 1 for the sump. They live in the sand bed and we won't be seeing much of them.

We also bought a cleaner shrimp, but the poor thing didn't make it. His bag rolled off the counter and it was too much of a shock for him. I'm not happy about it, but we'll buy another one this week along with some peppermint shrimp. New rule, livestock bags stay on the floor.

Not extremely exciting additions, I know, but there really aren't a lot of good fish stores around. There are quite a few that sell, but the fish are either close to death or sick. We don't want to spend money on sick fish or bring home sickness to our tank. So really the only place we'd like to buy fish is in Lindon. If all goes well with the snails and the shrimp we'll be buying fish in the next few weeks.

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