Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I finally got with the times and got an ipod for Christmas (I am VERY against apple products) so all of my old CDs that haven't been listened to for years have been put on it.
Now I'm not the only one in my department who isn't listening to their music while we work, it's nice to be part of the group :)

All the old songs that I haven't heard in years are triggering memories and making me really nostalgic. Does this happen to anyone else? I always picture a person with a song and then they event in which I either came across the song/album or shared the song with someone.

Blink 182 has been my favorite band for a long time, but since they split (they're back together now) there hadn't been any of their songs on the radio...not that I'd hear one anyway since I only listen to country in my car.
 Now all my beloved Blink is with me on my tiny, neon green ipod and I think of my friend Adam Ross every time a song comes on. Adam was as big of a Blink fan as I was and we went to the concert together in high school. We also shared CDs all the time. I'd have the non-clean version of an album and he'd have their first CD so we'd swap, burn and return. I always wonder if Adam still listens to them when I hear the first few cords of one of their songs.

I love, love, love Dido, but had never heard of her until my high school bestie, Jessi, introduced White Flag to me. I burned the CD from Jessi and fell in love with every single one of her songs. I love the lyrics, her voice and the melody. Every Dido song makes me think of listening to White Flag over and over again in Jessi's room while we talked about boys and make-up.
p.s. if you like Dido you'll love Lily Allen, she's not that clean so be aware but her voice is fantastic. John introduced her to me last year and now I can't get enough!

Aqua...ahhh, Aqua. No one knows who Aqua is until I start singing Barbie Girl then they groan in protest. Truthfully I don't understand the groaning. I love all Aqua and have their whole album (I think they only have one) on my ipod. My sister loves it to and I told her its because it makes you feel peppy :) there is no other reason why it should be liked. The lyrics are stupid, the music is very little kiddish, but it's awesome!
Liking Aqua makes me want to put Backstreet Boys, N'sync ect. on my ipod, but I have no idea what I did with the CDs I owned. I wonder if I got embarrassed to own them in high school and threw them away. I'm really kicking myself now!

Songs from movies are really bad because I always picture where the song is played in the movie and what's going on/who's singing it. I'm usually distracted until the song is over because the movie is playing in my head. Movie soundtracks on my ipod are: Footloose, Moulin Rouge, Wedding Singer, Newsies, both Shreks and a scattering of movie songs where I only like that song and not the whole soundtrack. I really need to put Dirty Dancing on it, but I don't have the CD.

So there you have it, another glimpse into my mind. You're welcome! 

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