Sunday, May 31, 2009

The joys of owning a house

So I have been saving up to buy a new front door, which is a hard task for me but I thought that I'd appreciate the door more if I had to work for it. I'm not very good at saving money, I just like to spend it :) Well I've been saving since February and I finally had enough to buy the new door! YAY! So John and I went to Lowe's Friday night to buy it and the new hardware. While we were there John decided that we needed to buy other things for stuff we've been wanting to do for awhile. So by the time we left Lowe's we had bought: a new door, hardware for that door and to replace the knob on the back door, a new mail box and a faucet for the bathroom. I was happy to buy all the stuff but I'm putting it in writing that it was John's idea to get enough stuff for 3 weekend projects.

This is a picture of the pile of projects in our living room.

Well the new door went up Saturday and my father in law came over to paint. (He told us he was going to and we didn't have a choice) it still needs one more coat of paint and the weather stripping put up but it looks so nice!

Here are the before pictures:

And here are the after:

We also put in the new post for the mail box Saturday but I'm waiting to put up pictures when it's all done. Right now John is working hard to put in the new faucet, so far only two swear words have been said :) yay for him!


  1. That's a really pretty door! I like it!

  2. Thank you! I love it! its weird to walk past it though because I always feel like the door is open since it lets in so much light.
