Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Winston the Loud

Roughly about a month ago I posted on Facebook that Winston was now going to sleep in our room instead of his crate. This was mostly because he has out grown his crate (also why he's outside during the day now) and we're too cheap to buy a new one.

The first night he was an angel, slept peacefully and didn't budge. Even when John got up at 4AM Winston stayed in bed.
The we tried it the next night and he was a nightmare. He wouldn't calm down and kept walking the room with his big, noisy elephant feet. He'd then come over and put his watermelon sized head on my pillow and his baseball sized wet nose on my face. He lasted a couple hours and then I couldn't take it anymore and into his crate he went.
The rest of the week I made him sleep in his crate because I didn't want to put up with him and when we tried again he'd start up his antics around 2AM and he'd go back into his crate.

Last weekend John was running the Ragnar so he wasn't home Thursday night and I decided to try again (I also like to think he's my protection). He was really, really good. Only a few loud head shakes and moving around in the bed and since he's the size of a baby hippopotamus it woke me up.

I thought that maybe it was a fluke because he hadn't been out in our room for a while, but every night since then he's been sleeping in our room.
He does think that he needs to be up with John and will follow him around while he's getting dressed and on the weekends he sticks his nose on my face at 6AM to let me know that he needs to potty, but as long as he's sleeping most of the night I'll deal.

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