The night before the breast cancer walk our carbon monixide detector went off at 2:00 AM and of course that isn't something you just shrug off and go back to bed. So we pulled the battery out, put in back in and waited. It went off again so we packed up the dogs and Sophi and off we went to John's parent's to sleep the rest of the night (which wasn't much sleep since we had to get up at 6 for the walk)
My family, John, best friend, Jonessa and her dog went on the walk and had a blast.
Our carbon Monixide detector went off again Sunday night and we were bad and just went to bed. We bought a new one and it hasn't gone off yet so I think the other one was just broken.
What an exciting story!
ohhh they look so cute in their little pink bandanas! Makoa looks so sweet in the last picture :)