Saturday, February 8, 2014

2012 movies added to the 1001 Movies To See Before You Die list

The list is usually a couple years behind since we have to wait for the info to be published into the book. Every year they have to take movies out to add movies so the list stays at 1001, but John and I just add the new movies to the end of our list. It probably means we'll never ever finish the list, but we'll always have something to watch.
Whoever is working on the listology list updated with everything that had been taken out in previous years so our list grew 49 movies some dating clear back to 1924.
This list is just the added 2012 movies. The one's in red are the ones we saw, but since we don't go to the movies as much anymore it's not too many. We also never seem to rent from Redbox so most of the time we just wait for it to come on Netflix.

The Cabin in the Woods (John will probably be watching this one alone)
Django Unchained (we actually own this one, we're both huge Quentin Tarantino fans)
Les Miserables
Life of Pi

In case you happen to be curious about my side bar movie watched thingy, I don't always add what we recently watched. Sometimes it's because we watched three movies from the list that day or because it just takes time and I'm being lazy. I have decided that I might add a little blurp about the movie since I no longer update the blog I started for all of this. If you click on the picture it'll take you to the IMDB's page on the movie.
We have really enjoyed the list for the most part, some of the movies off of it have become our favorites and we would have never watched them without it.  

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