Time to talk about those unexpected expenses.
No one likes to admit that they have a problem or their child is bad. Well my children are my pets and one isn't the perfect angel I would wish he would be. I have a hard time telling people that, I want people to think I have everything under control. A lot of his issues do stem from the 6 months we didn't own him, the crucial time to train, socialize and break bad behaviors. We're having a hard time because of this, but we can't blame everything on that even though I wish we could.
Makoa and Enna, like I've said before, aren't stranger lovers. Makoa will become fearful of new people if fast moves or actions occur and the fear triggers nipping. Don't think you cant come to our house anymore because of this, he doesn't bite and nip everything and anything, it's more when he's startled. This has caused me great worry, I want this to stop but I didn't know what to do.
We heard of a training facility that's by far more knowledgeable than Petsmart from a friend/ex co-worker. I gave them a call and explained our issues. John was not convinced. He was angry that the trainer wanted us to bring Enna and that she wasn't going to focus on just this one problem. I tried to explain that she wanted to see how they interact with each other and with us and help with all problems. He also wasn't happy that it wasn't going to be in our home first. It was cheaper going to their facility (not much though, still $75 an hour) first and the trainer said that she could help us find ways to break Makoa's bad habits. I never fully convinced him that it was a good idea, but he agreed to come with me anyway.
I called two weeks ago and the only slot the trainer had open was 2 PM on the 27th of August, so I got John to only work a half day and asked for the same.
After arguing with each other on the way down there, we did learn a few things to help Makoa and ease some of our issues but all in all I dont feel like it was worth the $75 and I know if I dont feel it John definitely doesn't. We did maybe 5 minutes of actual training, the rest was asking questions and telling us what we needed to work on.
I was impressed though that the trainer had researched our breed and knew how to handle them. It wasn't the Petsmart thing of them telling us that we didn't/don't socialize them enough and we need to force them on people, it was "I'll put my hand out, they sniff, they get a treat and that's that". I loved that she said, "Don't force them to do it, they dont like people, it's their nature. They can be civil with people and that's all we ask. They don't need to be in a stranger's lap at all times to be good dogs." I FINALLY had someone understand my dogs! It was such a nice feeling.
Getting John to tell me his true feelings about the whole experience will never happen, that's just they way John is, but I know he's not totally sold on the facility. I would like to have one at home session ($90, yikes) and I would like to do some of the classes they offer (cheaper, but not by much). I feel like they have something to offer and actually going to a class to train will be better than this one on one thing we had. That is if I can get John to agree.
So there you have it. My life isn't perfect, my dogs aren't perfect and my marriage isn't perfect, but I guess that's life. I'll except all my imperfections and try to fix the things I can.
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